Green Operations and Mall










SKM is committed to ongoing efforts in energy conservation and carbon reduction. We implemented the ISO 50001 Energy Management System in 2022 and extended the international framework in all department stores in Taiwan in 2023. To strengthen GHG management, starting in 2023, SKM adopted ISO 14064-1 GHG inventory in HQ and Xinyi Place A4, certified by external parties in December, and gradually rolled out to all department stores. In 2024, we plan to introduce ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems at SKM. Also, in 2023, to keep up with international and domestic advocacy trends for sustainability, SKM began the internal evaluation for installing solar panels and purchasing renewable energies.

The existing governance structure for green operations currently involves an Energy Management Promotion Team spearheaded by the president. In the future, SKM will make further changes to the organizational framework and add an organization for environmental management.

Energy Management Promotion Team

In December 2022, we announced our Energy Policy internally, which continues to uphold our management principles of "customer first, service with heart" and commits to:


Reduction of GHG Emissions

SKM's long-term goal for managing GHG emissions is to reduce carbon emissions. In 2023, the GHG emissions of all SKM stores (excluding Taoyuan Dayou Store and DIAMOND TOWERS) were 140,179 metric tons of CO2e, a 0.45% decrease compared to 140,816 metric tons of CO2e of the previous year. This is equivalent to 637 metric tons of CO2e, approximately the absorption capacity of 1.6 Daan Forest Parks. Going forward, we aim to reduce 1.5% of carbon emissions every year.

2021-2023 SKM GHG Emissions

Direct Emissions Indirect (Energy) Emissions Total
Stationary Emissions Mobile Emissions Fugitive Emissions
2021 7,977.60 61.97 - 131,980.80 138,905.28
2022 6,985.93 45.43 7,685.52 126,099.41 140,816.25
2023 7,262.94 37.78 7,577.42 125,300.80 140,178.95
  • Note:
    1. The unit is MTCO2e/year
    2. 2021 data includes SKM HQ and 15 department stores, excluding subsidiaries and affiliated businesses. The number of department stores changed between 2022 and 2023. Therefore, to maintain a consistent basis for comparison, the data includes SKM HQ and 14 department stores (excluding Taoyuan Dayou and DIAMOND TOWERS) and excludes subsidiaries and affiliated businesses. Data conversion derived from the Industrial Development Bureau's Carbon Emissions Calculator.
    3. Emission Factor: Adopted from the Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor Table (version 6.0.4) published on the Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting System by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, and the 2023 Electricity Carbon Emission Factor published by the Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
    4. Fugitive emission was not included in data in 2021.
    5. In 2023, stationary emission and electricity use decreased, because the revenue of F&B counters increased and the use of natural gas increased comparatively.

Energy Management Performance

SKM's energy management strategy aims primarily to increase energy use efficiency. Key plans in energy management include proactive assessment and replacement of energy-intensive equipment as well as assessing renewable energy measures such as purchasing renewable energies and installing solar panels. SKM is currently carrying out the following projects: gradual replacement of A.C. units, gradual replacement of fluorescent lights (6,400 fluorescent light bulbs were replaced in 2023), prioritization of energy-efficient-certified equipment, and determination of reasonable usage time for vertical transportation facilities based on foot traffic by working with individual department stores, e.g., regulating elevator usage during off-peak hours.

2021-2023 SKM Energy Consumption

    2021 2022 2023
Energy Source Unit
Non-renewable Fuel Diesel L 3,092 1,035 548
Gas L 16,630 18,120 15,412
Purchased Electricity Electricity kWh 259,294,711 254,746,294 253,132,946
Sales of Self-generated Electricity kWh 0 0 0
SKM Energy Consumption GJ 934,113 917,715 911,801
Percentage of Energy Consumption from Purchased Electricity % 100 100 100
Percentage of Energy Consumption from Renewable Energy % 0 0 0
Surface Area m2 1,175,697 1,141,151 1,141,151
Energy Density SKM Energy Consumption GJ/Surface Aream2 934,113/1,175,697
  • Note:
    1. 2021 data includes SKM HQ and 15 department stores, excluding subsidiaries and affiliated businesses. The number of department stores changed between 2022 and 2023. Therefore, to maintain a consistent basis for comparison, the data includes SKM HQ and 14 department stores (excluding Taoyuan Dayou and DIAMOND TOWERS) and excludes subsidiaries and affiliated businesses. Note 1: 2021-2022 data includes SKM HQ and 15 department stores, excluding subsidiaries and affiliated businesses. 2023 data includes SKM HQ and 14 department stores (excluding Taoyuan Dayou and DIAMOND TOWERS) and excludes subsidiaries and affiliated businesses.
    2. SKM Energy Consumption = Non-renewable Fuel + Purchased Electricity - Sales from Self-generated Electricity.
    3. 1 L of Gas = 7,800 kcal, 1 L of Diesel = 8,400 kcal, 1 kWh = 860 kcal, 1 kcal - 4,184 J. Source: MOEA Bureau of Energy.
    4. GJ (gigajoule) = 109J (joule)

Waste Management Performance

Primary waste generated from department stores consists of domestic waste and kitchen waste. At SKM, we do not generate any hazardous waste. SKM also complies with laws and regulations, commissioning certified vendors to handle waste and recycle kitchen waste. In addition, we report any business waste, enforce waste sorting, track waste streams, and strengthen the disposal of kitchen waste from food courts and restaurants. SKM commissions certified waste disposal vendors to incinerate general waste such as domestic waste; certified recycling companies to sort and recycle aluminum cans, glass bottles, paper, and plastic bottles; and certified farms to incinerate or recycle kitchen waste as animal feed or fertilizers.

To effectively prevent environmental pollution from fugitive fumes, all SKM buildings are equipped with scrubbers and electrostatic machines. We also established the Kitchen Pollution Prevention Equipment Setup and Cleaning Regulations in 2021, requiring F&B vendors set up pollution prevention facilities and manage cleaning equipment in compliance with SKM regulations. In 2023, we cleaned 90 F&B counters seasonally that produce high levels of grease and 9,500 meters of exhaust pipes.

SKM complies with government policies and regulations restricting the use of plastic and no longer provides disposable plastic straws. It also collaborates with F&B brands in department stores to offer discounts for customers bringing their own reusable utensils, encouraging the public to say no to plastics.

2020-2022 SKM Waste Generation

Waste Unit 2021 2022 2023
General Waste MT 7,470 7,551 7,684
Recyclables MT 1,936 2,421 2,622
Food Waste MT 1,858 2,464 2,396
Total Waste MT 11,264 12,436 12,667
  • Note:
    1. Recyclables include paper, glass, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans; excludes food waste.
    2. 2021-2022 data includes SKM HQ and 15 department stores, excluding subsidiaries and affiliated businesses. 2023 data includes SKM HQ and 14 department stores and excludes Taoyuan Dayou Store, DIAMOND TOWERS, subsidiaries, and affiliated businesses.
    3. In 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SKM shortened its business hours from mid-May to late July, which also reduced waste generation. In 2022, business hours remained as usual, and, therefore, waste generation increased in 2022 compared to 2021.
    4. In 2023, the annual revenue grew by 6.7% compared to 2022, with incoming customers reaching 120 million people (visits), which grew by 12.5% compared to 2022. As a result, the total waste increased by 1.85% compared to 2022.